Sovereign Maori Nation & 1st Sovereign Nations of American
Indians signed the 1st Historic Treaty of Friendship.
A Historical step towards a Prosperous Future for Indigenous
People Worldwide
Tuesday, 1st September 2020
H.M. Arikinui Manukau and the 1st Maori Prime Minister H.R.H. Dr
Percy Tamayo Espinoza representing the “Sovereign Maori Nation”
and Tushkahumoc Akhan Xelup, Maipuri Arauan State Government &
st Sovereign Nations of American Indians, represented by Miccu
Basija Tushkahumoc Akhan Xelup, sign a Historic Treaty of Friendship
Proclamation 26th August 2020, a strategic platform, leading Indigenous
Nations to prosperity worldwide.
H.M. Arikinui Manukau and the Maori Prime Minister H.R.H. Dr Percy
Tamayo Espinoza both with 40 years of financial and economic
expertise plan to employ the Maori Central Bank of Aotearoa (MCBA),
exploiting the Maori Digital Gold backed currency to underpin the
Indigenous Nations cultural, social, political, financial and economic
goals, lifting their living standards by affordable healthcare services,
pre-school to high school education at the Maori Global Indigenous
Academy & the Maori Global Indigenous University and
employment/training opportunities.
On the 10th August 2020, the “Sovereign Maori Nation” launched its
1st endeavour pledging (koha) US$2 Billion towards the United Nations
Covid-19 initiatives for Indigenous people while unifying the 500,000
Maori people, and the 170 million Indigenous people worldwide.
H.M. Arikinui Manukau and the 1st Maori Prime Minister, H.R.H. Dr
Percy Tamayo Espinoza plan over the next 1-2 months to draft up a
working financial-economic model and look to incrementally implement
the Articles of the Treaty with the NAAIP over the next 2-3 months.
The Maori Prime Minister is expanding the unification of Indigenous
Nations, as negotiations with the Mexican Indigenous Nations of some
35 million registered members continue, to sign a Treaty of
friendship/Proclamation in the next 3-4 weeks.
His Excellency Prime Minister Dr Tamayo
Espinoza invites all Indigenous Nations to join
under the “Sovereign Maori Nation”.
Prime Minister Dr Tamayo Espinoza is currently
at the UN, discussing the next goal to petition
the United Nations for the “Sovereign Maori
Nation”, to become the 194th Member of the
United Nations.
Stay tuned as this innovative unification of
Indigenous Nations evolve. All enquiries to His
Excellency Prime Minister Dr Tamayo Espinoza.
Enquiries Contact:
Treaty of Friendship
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I have been reading the posts, and I definitely concur with what Tom said.